The Juvenile Justice System in Salem, OR

The juvenile justice system in Salem, OR is currently pushing to work on an evidence-based type of practice, which leads to the possibility of youth offenders being able to avoid performing further negative actions. In the Senate Bill 555, which was passed successfully in 1999,

the state of Oregon invested in an effective Juvenile Crime Prevention Program per county. This system was intended to prevent criminal acts among youth by identifying the most common risk factors for juvenile delinquency. It is also important to note that this program focuses more on high-risk youth by making interventions that will minimize any criminal acts and behavior early on.

According to research, there is a great need for an effective juvenile justice system to reinforce a positive behavior among delinquents. This will also provide more opportunities for teenagers and juveniles to engage in more productive activities, instead of negative activities that usually only result in greater problems. Hence, adults who are tasked to create a solid juvenile justice system should be able to give more meaningful and fair consequences when it comes to infractions on rules and laws.

At present, the juvenile crime prevention program in Oregon has been quite effective in minimizing any crimes and risks for criminal behavior among the youth in the state. This is reflected in the statistics that prove the reduction in juvenile crime in Oregon, specifically the ones who have obtained these services.

However, there are certain issues that can prevent troubled juveniles from receiving the much-needed assistance from this program. For instance, their family situation, substance abuse, and mental health can all interfere with their chances of overcoming criminal behavior. Thus, the success rate of these problematic youths being able to change their ways can be rather low. With this in mind, their families and loved ones should also contribute their support for the improvement of these juvenile delinquents’ future.

If you have a situation that requires an attorney skilled in the area of juvenile justice in Salem, please call the Law Office of Lindsay Soto today at 503.315.7344.